Dear Parents,
Here are some updates and reminders
a) Investiture Camp 8-9 March
The camp is TOMORROW.
The campfire is also TOMORROW. Sorry there is a typo error for the campfire. Parents and family members are invited to join us for the campfire. Please be seated by 7.15pm.
I have attached a packing list for the cub scouts, in case you need it.
List for Investiture Camp 2013
1) Cub Scout Record Book
2) Job Week Card (with a zip-loc bag to keep the money collected)
3) 1 set of Scout Uniform (Full Uniform)
4) 1 set of Scout Shirt
5) 1 set of pyjamas
6) 1 set of PE attire
7) Undergarments
8) Plastic Bag for dirty laundry
9) 1 packet of Instant Noodles
10) 1 Mess Tin (for outdoor cooking, please buy if you don't have one)
1 set of metal untensils (metal spoon and fork)
1 Torch
Water Bottle
Sleeping Bag
Bath Towels
16) Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo)
Insect Repellent (if necesssary)
Medicine (if necessary)
Do remind your child to bring his/her RECORD BOOK and JOB WEEK CARD.
Also to bring any certs - swimming / music , craft work or performance participation for the Swimmer (Bronze, Gold, Silver), Craftsman, Entertainer or Music Proficiency Badges.
For those who are not attending the camp, you are still advised to come for the cub scout meeting from 2 to 3.45 pm, as attendance will still be recorded for CCA.
b) Bukit Timah District Campfire 30 March 2013
Thank you to all who have responded. We now have an estimation of the number of cubs who will be attending.
I will be issuing the consent form tomorrow during the camp.
c) Scout HQ Cuboree Camp (22 to 26 June 2013)
The application for this camp is closed. We have about 17 cub scouts who are attending.
d) Aviation Badge Workshop (6 April 2013)
I am sorry to inform you that we are again not able to register for the course.
I hope to seek your understanding that the fault does not lie with the school for the late registration but the procedure set up by Scout HQ.
Hopefully, our cubs can go for this course next year.
WE will be returning the cash payment tomorrow during camp or next week.
In the event, if your child did not receive it, please approach Ms Loo.
Hope to see you tomorrow =)