Dear cub scouts ,
Please bring your log book and record book. Meet in 2D classroom in full uniform at 2pm. Any outstanding Job Week Cards, do bring along and hand it in to the teachers.
See you tomorrow!
Dear cub scouts ,
Please bring your Job Week cards along with the cash you have collected. Place the cash in an envelope with your name and class so that we can trace who have submitted.
Do bring your log book and record book for Arrows & Badges as well. We will test out the knots you have learnt previously then after which, we will learn some map reading skills! Meet in 2D classroom in full uniform at 2pm.
See you on Friday, Cubs!
Dear cubs,
Please bring your log book and record book for Arrows & Badges. Meet in 2D classroom in full uniform at 2pm. Newcomers, if you have not collected your uniform, you can come in PE attire or house T-shirt.
For those who are staying for the camp, ensure that you have the items in the packing list.